
The Latvian Foster Families Association was founded in 1994 when the definition of the alternative child caretakers was not precisely defined and a "foster family" was not considered as a form of short-term childcare. Since its foundation, Ilze Golvere has been the Chairperson of LFFA.

The title of the association remains the same, although the majority of the current members are guardians. LFFA is actively advocating on behalf of the guardians. In comparison with foster families, guardians get far less financial and psycho-emotional support from the state and municipality.

During the past 20 years LFFA has supported more than 300 families, and since its inception, LFFA has participated with the assistance of a new generation of foster families. Families have received humanitarian help and groceries, participated at Christmas and Easter celebrations, and several young people have had the opportunity to join international youth exchange projects. But most importantly, a designated meeting facility has been provided for families to meet and discuss their challenges.