
Food baskets for foster families at the Midsummer festival

Food basket preparation by the LFFA is done on a regular basis. Depending on the support and donations provided by businesses, the contents of the baskets vary. However, during Easter, Summer Solstice and New Year’s Eve celebrations, foster families can count on the baskets provided by LFFA for support.

Generally, families receive food basics like oil, flour, rice, buckwheat, pasta, sugar, Tomato sauce, tea or coffee, etc. Support provided LFFA business partners during the preparation of the food basket can come in two ways - either by offering their products, or by providing funding so that LFFA can buy products for foster families. For the first time this year SIA “Spilva”, has been a major contributor, and therefore we would like to give them a heart felt “Thank You!” Thanks also goes our regular contributors SIA "Gemoss", SIA "ZIF", SIA "Latfood", AS "Rīgas Piena Kombināts".

— July 2, 2014