Youth research project

Aim of the project - through non-formal education methods to improve young people's awareness about family values.
Direct target group - 50 youths under the care of foster parents and guardians.
Indirect target group – all participants of competition "Family" (planned number about 100) and the visitors of project closing event (30 participants).
The project will be implemented at Riga, LFF Support Center "Dzeguzēns"
Project duration – 01.09.-30.12.2014.
1. Implementing research "Family". The main research questions: "what is family? ", " what is family values?." Research methodology will be updated in the first meeting taking into account young people's desires, interests and capabilities. Several methods will be offered: surveys between different generations, summarizing questionnaires, interviews with experts, analyzing values in different cultures etc.
To improve the implementation of the research will be attracted senior students from Latvian University Faculty of Social Sciences, department of Sociology. The research results will be published on the society's website, it will be electronically available to anyone interested and will be sent to the institutions whose activities are focused on non-formal education.
2. Creative Competition "My dream family". Information about the competition will be posted on the society's website. At competition will be invited to participate also youth who are not members of the association. It is planned to receive 100 creative works - paintings and literary works. The best works will be published on the website and calendar. 20 best works will be awarded. Outcomes will be exhibited at premises of support center "Dzeguzēns”.
3. Discussions with invited guests about family’s values. At six meeting will be invited public figures who are willing to share their experience and reflections about issues of family values.
Discussion descriptions and key findings or conclusions of youth will be published on the association’s website www.labiedriba.lv. The number of participants who will take part at meeting - 30 young people.
Project outcomes:
• youth have been actively involved in the research experience using different  research methods;
• improved personal competences of young people to set their own goals and objectives, analyze, discuss, gather information and formulate an opinion;
• has increased young people's awareness about family issues, as well as have been made their own self-reflection and personal attitude towards family values;  
• have organized a creativity contest "Happiness is in the family", 100 participants took part in the competition. Have organized 6 meetings with guests to discuss the issues of family values.

Project costs: 1300 EUR

— March 25, 2014