
Conference in Birojnica

April 22, Berga Bazaar "Birojnīcā", the Latvian Association of Foster Families had a conference organized by "The family care - secure basis for the child's development."

Within this conference ended two years implemented project "The family care- secure basis for the child's development." Participants were introduced to the project activities. The target group was wide - 1) guardians and foster parents, 2) familial caring for children and young people, 3) biological families and young children, also implemented activities are very diverse. Some of them, the creative laboratory, intercultural evenings, hiking, sightseeing, English classes, camp book "Happiness is in the family" establishment, etc. Vecumnieki County Council Social Services manager Ina Jankevics presented the project manual "Support guardians and foster families", and its practical applications.

Special guests were the child's placement expert Linnea Kompetansesenter (Norway). The expert two years have conducted training for mentors and these people continue to provide competent support to guardians and foster families in order to independently manage support groups. In the conference it was explained why the training was based on "Safe basic model." Translated material on this approach can be found in the book "Happiness is in the family", which is available in Latvian Foster Families Association.

One of the most pressing problems in placement is work with biological families, so one of the themes of the conference was "Biological systems role in bringing up a child in placement." No matter how negative and traumatic experience would not be the child's biological family, it is in any case his identity. It should be possible to meet the biological parents. There should be a professional foster parents to help the child cope with unpleasant feelings, memories. Denying parents are denied himself the care of the child. It is almost impossible for a healthy personality to develop when part of his,her identity is hidden or denied.

At the end of the conference Kari Kensland and Elen Andersen shared reflections and conclusions arising after 2 years of traveling in Latvia. Latvia is a culture where it is not accepted to talk about feelings. The beginning of a reliable basis for a model should be connected with the ability to recognize their own feelings as well as the ability to talk about feelings with care with adopted children.

They encouraged to remember that behind every child's bad behavior there is a reason - the unmet emotional needs, removal or lack of affiliation. The bad behavior is corrected with just understanding the hidden reasons why this is happening. It is also important that a particular model makes use of a support group for negotiations have focused on a specific case, and not to indulge in untargeted talking.

The project "The family care - secure basis for development of the child" was financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

— July 25, 2016